The Dayton region is filled with groups committed to helping expecting mothers birth healthy babies. EveryOne Reach One connects you to the ones you need, from local organizations to national agencies.

Every pregnancy is different. Our team helps you prepare for every moment of your journey through weekly emails and text messages, and access to healthcare and other resources.

Centering Pregnancy is a group approach for expectant mothers where you will receive your prenatal care, along with learning more about pregnancy and building relationships with other women at the same stage of pregnancy as you are. Also, get a chance to pick up some free baby items when you attend! Multiple locations around Montgomery County offer Centering Pregnancy.
COVID-19 Guidance From The Ohio Department of Health
GDAHA information for hospitals

Resources to Prepare the Family
Every expecting mother is happier and healthier with a support network in place. Whether it is her friends, her family, or a group of concerned citizens, the resources we offer to pregnant women are also available to the people that support them.

The Baby & Me – Tobacco Free Program is a smoking cessation program which aims to reduce the use of tobacco products among women during and after their pregnancy.
Get Help to Stop Smoking
Five Rivers Center for Women’s Health
Offering everything from pre-natal services to helping secure diapers and food, the Center for Women’s Health is a valuable resource in the Dayton region.
What Babies Need
Your Baby’s Growth, Week by Week
You and your baby will be growing and changing together. Sign up for weekly texts and emails to learn what to expect as your baby develops.
Your Baby’s Growth, Month by Month
You and your baby will be growing and changing together. Sign up for monthly emails, as well as learn what to expect as your pregnancy develops.
See What to ExpectYour Baby: Year One
Congratulations! You have a new addition to the family! Meeting that sweet little baby for the first time is amazing!
With this new addition comes even more questions about how to feed them, care for them, and what to look for as they are growing. There is so much to learn when you become a new mother. It’s very exciting, but you will have a new question every day. We can help! We have answers to many of those questions, and others that will come up in their first year of life.

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